Our integrated, multi-disciplinary team strives to provide high quality care to individuals with substance use disorder. We offer compassionate services and meet people where they are, to deliver recovery support and promote health.


Dr. Alison Lynch

Alison Lynch, MD, MS

Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Family Medicine

Assistant Director

Weber Protrait

Andrea N. Weber, MD, MME

Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Internal Medicine

Director of Intensive Outpatient and Partial Hospitalization Programs

Jill Liesveld, MD

Jill Liesveld, MD

Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry


Clinical Leadership

Kelsey Montross, MHA

D. Lowell Yoder, MSW, LISW, Behavioral Health Clinical Manager


Brigid Adviento, MPH, MD

Jill Liesveld, MD

Alison Lynch, MD, MS

Christopher Moreau, MD

Joshua Radke, MD

Andrea Weber, MD, MME

Nicole Woodson-DeFauw, MD

Nurse Practitioner

Ann Aschoff, ARNP


Benjamin Miskle, PharmD

Heidi Wood, PharmD, MAS, BCPS

Case Managers

Peer Recovery Coaches

Nurse Specialists

Kimberly Sheridan, RN

Janet Pittman-Foell, RN

Social Workers

Taylor Brooks, LMSW

Chad Clark, LMSW

Dalia Hocine, LMSW

Jeffrey Kranz, LISW

Abigail Souder, LMSW

Sarah Swanson, MSW

D. Lowell Yoder, MSW, LISW


Education Leadership

Alison Lynch, MD, MS, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Family Medicine

Brigid Adviento, MD, MPH, Psychiatry Clinical Assistant Professor

Andrea Weber, MD, MME, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Internal Medicine

Benjamin Miskle, PharmD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Science


Frances Huntley-Schneider, PharmD, NP - Integrated Substance Use Training Program

Carolyn Wong, MD - Addiction Medicine Fellowship

Melinda Yehyawi, PA - Integrated Substance Use Training Program

Fellowship Coordinator

Research & Administration

Research Administration

Program Managers & Coordinators


Stephan Arndt, PhD

Wesam Ismail, PhD Candidate

Frankline Matanji, PhD

Nichole Nidey, PhD

Erin Taber-Shelton, PhD Candidate

Marketing & Communications